Jan 30, 2006

could it be a dream? No, my dreams never have sawdust

This going to be a rant about heat. Why is restaurant food spicy? Virtually every item on the menu has some kind of heat . I DON'T LIKE IT! Why is it? Why is someone on a crusade to burn out my mouth? Have I offended the ASC (The American Society of Chefs) and they are seeking revenge is this orchestrated by the beverage producers to force you to consume more of their products? Every time I order I feel like I should say,"Hold the heat, please". I think that heat should be added afterward like salt and pepper. Maybe restaurants should be divided into "heat" and "no heat" areas. What is this quest for punishment that people have to eat spicy food? I have seen a person's face blush while eating spicy wings. Surely, this abuse can't good for the human body.

I think I am alone in the quest to quench the heat.

"Hey, waiter, another burrito and TWO Negra Modelos"

Studio Music:
  • Carbonleaf
  • Rob Thomas
  • Carlos Santana
  • Train

Jan 27, 2006

Was this for real? Could I be the target? Or

I am reaching the point in painting where my current style is no longer fun. I paint for fun. The act of creation is a rush for me. I'm not getting that rush anymore. Did I really get it painting landscapes? Does the depiction of some historic building in paint create a high? I'm not sure. I think that I get the most fun from things such as what you see at the right. I call it "freebased visual drool" or FVD. When you draw from a stream of consciousness uninhibited by restrictive thought. I drew the images as they came to me. A simple rectangle reminded me of a house from a birds-eye-view which became a view of the neighborhood form the same view, et cetera. But is it art? I don't know. Does it have to be or is the manifestation of thought on paper. At any rate I'm going to be painting more expressionistic works or at least less representational pieces.

Studio Music:

  • Pink
  • John Coltrane
  • Stone Temple Pilots
  • George Strait

Current Read:

Saints at the River by Ron Rash

Jan 20, 2006

So close I could smell the gun oil and the sweat of the shooter's hand.

I have really been getting into the drip paintings and becoming more intuitive with my work. Changing color wheels has helped bring more and brighter color to my work. But...there's a wheel and it goes round, round, round... Oops, another lyric. Oh, from whence do they come. I am beginning to concentrate on design more. My brain is getting damp, it must be time for a nap.
Gotta do some gallery duty today. The meeting with the newspaper came out fine. We, the local artist guild, is going to redo their masthead.

Studio music:
  • Billie Holiday
  • Rod Stewart
  • Tony Bennett
  • Diana Krall
Current reading: The Creative Habit by Twyla Tharp

Jan 19, 2006

rotated to bring the bullet into firing position.

I worked on this "drip" painting most of the day. (Drip Trees 1) I will never be a dripmeister like Pollock. Nevertheless, it was fun. The secret is having the paint consistency just right. Having the canvas at the right angle helps. But not a 90 degree right angle though. I think I may drift into a more intuitive painting. I'm not sure that I want to go that way. But if it feels good... Perhaps, if I can control the drip a little more and not leave so much to chance, I can do different kinds of trees or maybe not trees. The background color showing through adds a bit of zing. This is more of a stretch for me. It is more in line with the apple below that the 105 Church. That was my first italic period after the preceding sentence. Me thinks me brain gets numb at 4 a.m.

I spoke with the local weekly newspaper about changing their masthead yesterday and have an appointment today with them. I also made new business cards but I'm not sure I like them. The wordperfect template left something to be desired. It will have to be changed. Templates I use almost always are changed.

Studio music:

  • Beck
  • Luther Vandross

Jan 17, 2006

revolver being cocked. The cylinder of the forty-four magnum

This image is completely computer generated. To me is is sometimes to play with the image altering programs and try to produce abstract art. I believe that the computer can be used as a medium like paint or collage or photograph or whatever. I have seen the photographic images manipulated by image processing programs. Why use an image to begin with? Why not create your own? Is that not what creativity is all about?

Today was a non-painting day. I moved files to my computer dedicated to art and print production. It was a good day though windy. The leaves moved in swirls and waves and attacked the house with force. The power that could not be seen, only the results thereof...

Jan 16, 2006

As Juanita left the jukebox, I thought I heard the sound of a

Just another day of paint and stuff. Heard some good jazz yesterday and had some bad food at Applebee's. Maybe I should rephrase. I didn't like it. Why is food always spicy now? I don't like it. And don't eat it unless I don't have a choice. I will be happy when the fad is over. What causes the heat anyway? Is it acid or what? I don't know.

The painting is acrylic. It is aptly names 105 Church

Studio Music

  • Cracker
  • Danielle Howl and the Tantrums

Jan 13, 2006


Yesterday was a bummer. Worked at the co-op gallery all day. I was late leaving home and had to shave on the freeway. Ate very little. I must lose weight due to my heart condition. Today I have been busy designing and printing a new brochure of my work. Hewlett-Packard makes a great pre-scored product for use in producing your own brochures. Like anything else the design, lay out and photo prep take a lot of time. I'm sure it will do it's job and create mor awareness of my work and generate sales.

Jan 12, 2006

Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Yesterday I tried to coax the image from the canvas but it would not happen. I've recently started working with acrylic paints as opposed to my usual watercolors. Right now the learning curve is quite steep. And I am under the gun. i need twenty pieces pinished by Feb. 28 for a show. Here is a recent acrylic on paper. It was painted on the reverse of a dicarded injet print and is only 7 x 5. These small pieces are great fun to do.


  • Mozart's Requiem
  • The Best of Andre Segovia
  • Appalachian Waltz

Jan 11, 2006


This is my first post. Just to give it a go. I think that the website is the next art form. In my post I may discuss my ideas but will probable only show case my art work