Mar 16, 2015

Faded love

If you are like me some songs evoke certain memories. Just the other day I was listening to an old CD.  It was one of those with something scribbled on it with a Sharpie. I stuck it into the laptop and gave it a listen. One of the first songs was Faded Love as sung by Patsy Cline. I had never heard this version of the song being familiar with the Bob Wills version.  Actually, I am not a big fan of of Western Swing music but like some jazz I can take it in small doses. There was and is  something about the sound of those twin fiddles in the song that I really like. Incidentally, Texas or Western Swing music is dance music  Dancing is something I don't do. I've crashed and burned on all attempts. Yes, the song did evoke a memory.  It reminded me of a night we spent at Billy Bob's Texas, the largest honky tonk in the world. I don't remember exactly where I had heard of Billy Bob's but when I found out that we were going to Fort Worth, Texas, I knew I had to see the largest honky tonk in the world. And I did

I am big fan of what I call the "all alone at the end of the bar at closing time" songs.  These may be called "tear-jerkers". Many of those are country music songs of the old style country. Back when the lyric was more important than the beat. I guess some could be called "torch songs". I think the greatest torch song was  At Last by Etta James. If this song doesn't tug at the strings of your heart, go see  your doctor to get restrung! Some people associate a specific song with a particular event or events.  Don't Stop by Fleetwood Mack was the theme song of William Jefferson Clinton's quest for the White House. Many couples have "their" song. How many times have you seen it in a movie? She looks at him with dreamy eyes and says, "They're playing our song".  Once I was the part of one such couple. The song was Gentle On My Mind by Bobby Goldsboro. (I know Glen Campbell covered it too.) The song defined the relationship. When I lived in the Northeast a local radio station had a call in segment og Fridays for dedications. You could call in and dedicate the Johnny Paycheck song,Take this Job and Shove It, to the boss of your choosing. I never did,  But should have.  Songs often remind us of personal loss.  When I hear Bishop F.C. Barne's Rough Side of the MountainI'm reminded of Vincent, a fellow artist I sold art with on the streets of Charleston. It was sung at his funeral. 

Other songs bring back other memories too. Every time I hear  Need You Now by Lady Antebellum I think of hot croissants and night time on the Champs de Elysees. When we were driving around France several years ago it seemed that every other song played on the radio was I Need You Now. And in English!

Some songs remind us of films or television shows. The John Barry theme of the 007 movies is recognised worldwide.  Other well know music from the movies is from The Godfather, The Magnificent Seven  and South Pacific.  The Mash  and Cheers television themes are easily recognised. I like the gritty sound of the theme of Hell on Wheels.  I can't hear the theme from Star Wars without visualising "A long, long, time ago in a galaxy far, far away..." scrolling up the screen and a battle cruiser coming into view. Of course before the days of television there were the themes to the radio shows. I never the forget The William Tell Overture from The Lone Ranger.

And of course there are the commercial jingles. Is there a physiological reason why they can get stuck in our minds?  I've had some commercial jingles play for hours in my head. I think it was those cats advertising fat litter!

We are all touched by music...I think.