Jan 28, 2022


Photo by Keira Burton from Pexels

I find that the implication that I should pay is totally absurd. Here’s a novel idea. Why not let the person who received the loan repay it. I seem to remember that when I bought a car, I had to pay off the loan myself. How is a tuition loan any different? Of course the collateral can’t be repossessed, but a contract is a contract. Current student debt is $1.39 trillion. And how did it get so great? 

Who qualifies for a federal government student loan?  Almost anyone, citizen or not, can qualify. Although there are some stipulations for non-citizens and those who have been convicted of certain crimes. Interestingly enough, there is no stipulation of income restrictions.  Many recipients of student loans come from upper middle class families. Over $120 billion is provided by the Federal government in student aid.

And what good can come of the government paying off student loans?  Of course the graduate can enter the labor market without a student loan to repay. Wow, good for them! Never mind the fact that many will have degrees with no marketable skills. Consequently, many will be unemployed. And the working Americans who have paid off their tuition debt will be paying them unemployment benefits. However, the country will have a much better educated entitled class! What do we know about entitled classes? They owe their allegiance to their benefactor. And their benefactor In our democratic republic is the political party in power. Creating a larger entitled class ensures greater allegiance to the ruling party. The entitled class show their allegiance in the voting booth. Currently, the Democratic Party is in power. 

This would give me no power. I have no reason to pay. There is no benefit for me.