I got the warm fuzzies this past weekend. What are the warm fuzzies and how do you get them? Let me try to answer the question. I guess the best definition of a warm fuzzie is the feeling of satisfaction. But not like the satisfaction of accomplishing some kind of goal like being the first the first to bowl a perfect game blindfolded. But more like the warm fuzzie feeling you got when you helped the little old lady across the street when you were a Boy Scout. I think that a warm fuzzie can only be felt if another person is involved.
I got my warm fuzzies working on a Habitat for Humanity house. Habitat makes it possible for people who by conventional means may never be able to afford a home to obtain one. The way that this is accomplished is through the unselfish donations of materials and labor. I was part of the labor. Just think of it: I, and other volunteers helped a family to have their own home. Yeah, their own piece of the American dream! Oh yes , you can get the warm fuzzies from this kind of volunteerism.
In my own simple way, (I am handicapped by a college education)I believe you can only gain fulfilment as a human being by being other-oriented. And the warm fuzzies will just keep on coming!