May 23, 2010

Sun. 5/23/2010

Sometimes during the sermon my mind drifts. Usually this is just before I succumb to sleep. You see I got spoiled as a young man when I attended a church that had a blind minister. I could fall asleep without the eye of the man on me. But, not now. I think this guy has eyes of an eagle. Even puts these little "fill in the blanks" in the church bulletin to keep you busy. It doesn't quite work on me though. I have a better natural process that keeps me awake. I gotta draw. Since the time my wee fingers held a pencil I have drawn. So, it's only natural that I should draw in church. However, it does create some questions. What prompts the images that I draw? Could it be the sermon? The top drawing is kind of obvious, I simply illustrate the word of text. Maybe, drawings of pencils show the method of creating the drawing. Or, is there a greater philosophical question. In retrospect I don't know which came first the mountain or the pencil. And what's with all these bubbles? The funky symbol on the left is easily understood. I have long had a fascination with symbols. They're about brevity. The reduction of an idea or process or whatever reduced to a small drawing . A symbol. Wow! From church to symbols, I guess there is some kind of continuum there.