Sep 8, 2009

What's All The Fuss About?

In the last few days there has been a great deal of controversy about the President's addressing the school kids. Why? At a recent Republican breakfast the superintendant of the local school system was grilled about how the school system would handle the president's speech. He said that parents would be given the option whether their children would watch chief executive's address or not. Is paranoia sweeping the country? I think it is a good thing for the most powerful man in the free world to take a few minutes to address the future of our country. Would the president embed some radical idea in those young minds? Could we not let our classroom teachers make the decision of what the children see? The rest of the year we let them determine what little Johnny and Janie learn. I think that the simple truth is that a vast number of Americans no longer trust their president. I know some will say that he is not their president. But in fact, whether we voted for him or not, he is our president. This should be a learning experience for our president. He must be accountable to us, the citizens of this great country and that his power comes from us. He has the opportunity to be a great president, but that can only happen with the approval of the people.