Sep 11, 2007

New stuff

The latest off the easel or rather the table or floor. It is acrylic on paper, rather a lot of acrylic! I like to rub it into the paper and exercise my tactile senses. I was recently in the western desert, the land of the nomad tribes and cliff dwellers. Initially I built up layers of paint to give it the color (kicked up a notch!) and texture of the desert. In the center is a mesa as seen from above. The green of the trees at the base of the mesa. The geometric shapes were added to give some structure and order to the somewhat chaotic work. The profile at the bottom relieves some of the topographic nature of the painting. To add a human(?) element I added the drawing of the dancers/spirits/hunters. The drawing was actually a thumbnail drawing done in church. I scanned it in to the computer then manipulated it and cloned it before applying it to the painting as a heat transfer. Nuff said!