Mar 19, 2006

I must think of Jaunita rather than my fate.

Sometime you have to stretch your brain a little. I'm moving into some abstract work. This acrylic on paper began with the idea of a cruciform. From there the accumilation of textures manefested themselves as some of the images of the great northwest. I have always been a fan of totem poles. The iconic imagery is so strong and imaginative. My totem just evolved and unlike the ones of the past it is not symetrical. The "wing" appendages are not the same and the great blue eye at the top sees all. You will note that the base is shrouded in clouds. The moon seemed to be what was needed to complete the composition not only as a graphic element but to add a bit of mystery as well.

Studio listening matter:
  • Bograts
  • Jennifer Lecko
  • James Galway
  • Seven Nations