This is my latest adventure in video-making. This, with the exception of titles was of shot footage. Of the 10 minutes I video I shot, I only used minutes. I should have been more brutal, but had to have some footage.
I tried a few new techniques. One thing I did was to strip all the audio from the images and process it in Audacity. I was lucky none of it had to be lip-synced. In doing so I was able to improve the quality of the sound by editing. I edited out pops, other extraneous noises and dialogue where needed. The levels were equalized as well. The background music was created in PhotoStory 3.
The other thing I did was to create my title in Photoshop. This gave me more variety. For effect I added the hawk shadow flyover on the title shot with Ulead's overlay feature. All video work was done inwith Ulead Video Studio 9.
I think I was reasonably successful.