I was in the Musical Instrument Museum in Phoenix, AZ and I saw a guitar case for an air guitar. I thought that was a little bit strange. I went home and did a little research on google and found out they have contests national contests, international contests, I think in some Scandinavian country.
What I really wanted to find was a CD of the air guitar. I never could find a CD of the air guitar so I decided to make my own.
And here it is. Our own CD of the air guitar.
I did all the artwork in Photoshop. Notice I have a little blurb up here for a bonus.Gotta grab the viewers attention.
At the bottom is listed the artists that are on the compact disk.
Up here in the top left corner, notice it is rated PG-13. The production compony's name is Tonette. Tonette being a combination of mine and my wife’s names. Tony and Claudette.
On the inside we have the CD itself, opposite we have some more copy. Below is a little pull-out of with guitar chords and also guitar pick. I’ve always been a fan of giving a little bit more that what’s expected.
On the back cover is a list of the performers and their recordings like Gotcha by Alfredo Colbert, Caliente -Jose Garcia, Relative Noise by B. B. Steele, Brainfire by Ray O. Vac and others. Lot of these names are reminiscent of old blues players, I really like those guys.
And there it is. Our own air guitar CD.