Jan 19, 2006

rotated to bring the bullet into firing position.

I worked on this "drip" painting most of the day. (Drip Trees 1) I will never be a dripmeister like Pollock. Nevertheless, it was fun. The secret is having the paint consistency just right. Having the canvas at the right angle helps. But not a 90 degree right angle though. I think I may drift into a more intuitive painting. I'm not sure that I want to go that way. But if it feels good... Perhaps, if I can control the drip a little more and not leave so much to chance, I can do different kinds of trees or maybe not trees. The background color showing through adds a bit of zing. This is more of a stretch for me. It is more in line with the apple below that the 105 Church. That was my first italic period after the preceding sentence. Me thinks me brain gets numb at 4 a.m.

I spoke with the local weekly newspaper about changing their masthead yesterday and have an appointment today with them. I also made new business cards but I'm not sure I like them. The wordperfect template left something to be desired. It will have to be changed. Templates I use almost always are changed.

Studio music:

  • Beck
  • Luther Vandross

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