Mar 20, 2020


Seventy-five years old and targeted. That’s me. It could be you.  Who would have thought that old age could be wrought with so many dangers. I’ve been doing pretty well taking care of myself.  I did have and still have that problem (I hate the term issue!) with CHF, Congestive Heart Failure. Exercise is a necessary evil.  We follow a plant-based diet, but I dream of pulled pork barbecue. However, I believe the end justifies the means. 

With all that effort the news media and health care professionals now say that I’m a target.  What did I do to deserve this? I got old.  I was helpless to do anything to slow or stop the aging process.

I’m a part of the targeted group for the coronavirus. I feel that people in my age group are being singled out by the coronavirus and I don’t think it’s fair. 

We are coping with this discriminatory virus by following the government guidelines, while hoping all the time that the person giving out the advice didn’t get his job because he was a golfing or fishing buddy of the person in the position of power. We live in an age when you can’t always believe what you read, see or hear.  

As old people we’re used to being alone and being unemployed. It makes the “social distancing” easier. We are familiar with doctor’s office visits and getting medical prescriptions filled. By design our aged digestive systems don’t work too well and usually require medication to work properly. Just by reducing the laxative consumed we can reduce the amount of toilet paper required. We might be old, but we ain’t dumb! 

While I have written the piece with humorous intent, some of my friends, and maybe even I, will not see the return to normal life in this country I love. Perhaps, things may never be the same,... but maybe things will be better!

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