Apr 23, 2008

intelligent design and other things

This drawing of the cat has nothing to do with intelligent design. Or does it? Anyway, I'm probably thinking of doing a series of cats doing different stuff. It just seemed like a cat would like to go skin diving. They do like fish, don't they?
I had a most unfortunate experience recently. I failed a guinea pig! Or, perhaps a guinea person. But that doesn't sound really correct either. Perhaps, test subject, is the proper term. That does sound very clinical. It was very clean there and the people had on white lab coats. I have experienced many failures in my life starting with being rejected by Nora Jean Thompson in the third grade. I thought I could out grow it, but, alas, over 50 years of effort have been to no avail. And now in my 63rd year I am rejected as a test subject! What's a guy gonna do? The advertisement in the Post and Courier made it sound so easy. At first they said that I was overweight. And they that too many of the hair follicles on my head were dead. Then there was the possible reaction with my drugs. It's very hard for a man to earn a quick hundred fifty bucks.
Back to intelligent design. I pick intelligent design over Darwinsm any day.

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