Jun 17, 2007

sunday afternoon and then some...

I'm still trying different things. this time i used acrylic and charcoal on paper and was just playing with materials. i started with a little pencil sketch them charcoal and them smearing or blending to tell it proper. I didn't have an art education so I just call it the way I see it. So...I smeared the charcoal. I fixed it with hair spray (White Rain) love that smell. I added color. and it was valueless or rather monovalued. But adding white helped.

I am going on a "plein aire" adventure. I taking my paints on vacation. Previously I have only carried a small watercolor block and a sketchbook but his time I'm carrying my acrylic paints and easel and canvases. We're going to the west coast and back.
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Jun 13, 2007

en plein air

This is my first attempt at pleine air painting. it is acrylic on illustration board and is a view from my backyard. i first painted the background with yellow. actually I scrubbed it on with a paper towel and water with the pigment. Then I did most of the foliage work with a palette knife. the details were added with a brush. this was a practice session for vacation we are planning. i hope to paint across America.
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Jun 6, 2007

up and running

Finally, I've gotten around to a website redo. I used Yahoo's Sitebuilder. Once i learned the software it was easy. My new site is much smaller than my original site. It is just the beginning and is not aimed at sales but to generate interest in my work.

Jun 3, 2007


Just another day playing with paint. And it's fun! I've been painting for fun. Not painting with the idea that someone would buy it. life is too short. if it's bought then that's good, if not.....well, there is always need for collage paper. Since I've been painting acrylic on paper, I just paint over the stuff I don't like unlike when I painted with watercolor those mistakes could not be painted over. I really like painting with the acrylic though. I seal the paper first with a coat of gesso then i pour and splatter all over it. I've not been painting much lately due to the other demands of life. I've been rebuilding the tyoungartist.com site and that's taken a little time. I using Yahoo Sitebuilder instead of scratch building the site. The software has some features I don't know how to do from scratch yet.

I keep finding new and interesting stuff on the Internet. ZeFrnak.com has become one of my favorites. There is all kinds of stuff there.

I've started using Picasa for my online photo arrays or collections. I like it works great. It makes it possible to upload directly from the camera to the Blog. That

is unless I want to stop by an image processor to make some changes.