Sep 1, 2021

There Are No Commanders Anymore

As a boy and later as an adult I have always held men who led other men into battle with high regard. As we look back in history there was Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Napoleon Bonaparte, Horatio Nelson, George Washington, Ulysses S. Grant, Robert E. Lee, Blackjack Pershing, George Patton to name a few. These were the leaders that men fought and died for. The men on the ground may have hated them personally, but they would have died for them. Why? Because they were the commanders and they respected them. The believed their commanders made good decisions.  I know from my own experience as sailor and soldier. 

That is no longer the way it is and the U.S.  has not won a war since 1945*. It seems that now when a military man gets a star on his hat he loses his testicles. He changes from ass-kicker to ass-kisser. His oath of office is readily forgotten in exchange for personal gain. In recent years our commander-in-chiefs have been  men without any military experience. Yet, the admirals and generals reporting to them quickly answer with a hearty "yes sir" at any order from the inexperienced civilian. They lack the guts to argue for winning battle plans because they think that  bucking the tide will damage their careers. Nothing good happens when personal gain is placed before integrity. 

Witness the recent situation in Afghanistan. The United States of America, with the greatest military force in the would was beaten by a seventh century band of sheep herders.  How could this happen? Could you imagine what would have happened in Afghanistan if we could have resurrected one George S. Patton and  put him in charge of American forces. I assure you things would have been different. 

Check out this video concerning General Mark Milley, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff. This is the top military man reporting directly to the president of the United States.

Does this man demand honor and respect? I think not  He is a traitor and should be court marshalled. There are no true commanders anymore.

* The Gulf War of 1991 was a win if you  accept the original promises of the war. I, therefore, stand corrected

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