Feb 3, 2015


No, I'm not referring to the first word in a song but rather what I did yesterday
I woke up then some calisthenics before going to the gym to walk two miles. I would remiss if I did not mention the family cat laid on my stomach while I waited for my beloved to ready herself for the gym. Enroute we listen to a Harry Bosch novel and try to figure out whodunit. Of course going to the gym also means that I will meet old men there and reminisce about the old days and how the country is going down the crapper. However viewing young women in spandex will lift our spirits. I manage to read the morning national news on my phone while riding an exercise bike.

Then back home for a breakfast of cereal while reading the Post and Courier after that a daily Bible reading and then a short nap before getting to work. I check email, Facebook, and Instagram responding where necessary.  I updated the website and Facebook fan pages I'm responsible for. Then I finished up a short video on the B-29 Superfortress airplane. I love airplanes.

Time for lunch. In the kitchen I had a yearning for white bean soup.  I had to make some.  In my haste I did not look for or find a recipe so I made up my own.

First I sauteed a chopped medium onion with two cloves of chopped garlic in a tablespoonful of olive oil then I added a cup of water and brought it to a boil.  To the boiling water with onion and garlic I added one package of Herb-Ox chicken bouillon and stirred until dissolved. I added a can of white beans and one slice of fried bacon chopped into small pieces.
Then I seasoned the hot soup with one half teaspoon of ground coriander. Next I added about one half dozen spinach leaves.  After the spinach leaves had wilted I added fresh ground black pepper to taste. I served myself with soup and tortilla chips.

After lunch I tidied up the kitchen a bit and after a quick nap continued working on a painting.  The local artist guild of which I'm a member is having its annual show and I needed and entry. I painted prolifically for about ten years before tapering off and channeling my creative talents into social media and storytelling. The painting I was rendering was with acrylic and pallet knife was of balloons over Cappadocia. We had visited Turkey several years ago and gone on a hot air balloon ride. The painting would commemorate that event.

After my wife returned home we went to dinner at Ruby Tuesday's.  We enjoyed a beautiful sunset driving into town.  She had a free meal as a birthday gift.  I foraged at the salad bar.

Later at home we caught up on some old episodes of Arrow.

It was a good day!

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