Apr 17, 2014

Beer, Brats and Chocolate.

We turned off the asphalt onto the gravel road through the desert. I hesitate to call it a dirt road because it was sort of pink like most things around Phoenix. I have never seen pink earth although I did once know an artist named Pink Earth. Our reservation was for seven in the evening. As we crossed the cattle guard we saw cows wandering among the trees, shrubs and cacti. Patrick slowed the SUV to avoid hitting the cows. A hundred yards further we saw horses as well. Then there were fewer trees but more cacti.  The giant sequoia loomed over the landscape like huge watchmen.  Unlike those in the roadrunner cartoons these frequently have more than two "arms".  Soon we reached the parking lot for Friday Night Franks. There are a number of cars and SUVs there and a small building with a sign stating "Rent Segways Here".  I had never considered a Segway as an all-terrain vehicle.  I guess you could play ring around the cactus on a Segway.

We entered through the gate in the adobe wall.  The main building was about two stories tall and was of Hispanic style. I think any other style would have been uncommon in the southwest. A wagon pulled by two big Belgium horses was beginning its venture through the desert with Friday
night visitors. As we walk beside the building we see that the back of the building is open and has a small covered stage and an covered earthen dance floor. Behind this were stone fire pits and picnic tables. To our right was another smaller building from which we see people getting food and drink. We went for that straight away. There was a choice of meals. Bratwurst or wiener with bun, a bag of chips and a package of s'mores makings. And it included two beverages as well. Claudette and I chose adult beverages. We chose skewers from a barrel and walked toward the fire pits. The pits were about six feet in diameter with burning wood in the center. Actually it only appeared to be burning. The flames actually from a circular gas burner. Any good camper knows
that wieners and brats are best cooked over glowing coals, not flames. But Friday Night Franks is about fun not proper cooking techniques. I skewered the fat brat and headed for the fire pit with Claudette, Pat and Kim. The flames were high and hot. Thankfully the meat was already cooked. I charred mine a bit just to get that outdoor flavor. A brat on a bun with a bit of mustard, chips and a cold brew under the Arizona sunset with friends. I'm not sure life gets much better than that. Soon  it was time for dessert. I had never made a s'more before.  I thought that was a Girl Scout thing.  The little ziploc bag had a square of Hershey's chocolate, two graham crackers and two marshmallows. The idea was to toast the marshmallows, then place them between the crackers with the chocolate making a sandwich. Toasting a marshmallow can be problematic. If you hold it too far away from the flame, nothing or very little happens. Too close and it goes up in flame. It was my lucky night.  I managed to get my marshmellows hot and almost brown before placing them on the chocolate. I would have preferred toasty. But the chocolate melted right on cue and  the treat was very tasty. But alas my long neck Corona was empty and Patrick happily made a beer run. We listened to the music a bit and watched grandpa dance with the five-year-olds before leaving.

It was a great night under the stars and amongst the cacti in the Arizona desert. It was a lot of fun and I recommend it as a family event.  Watch out for the cow poop in the road!

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