Mar 20, 2013

New Stuphphffz

I like new stuff but I'm cheap.  I prefer getting the best value. As you know from these blog posts I like to travel.  And because much of it involves flying I am constantly trying to find ways to reduce the amount of baggage I carry. other than baggage, another thing I dislike, although I favor the reason for it, is airport security. I do not hurry well.  And it seems TSA is always hurrying me. My problem is that when I carry my laptop and CPAP machine.   I have to open both before they are scanned.  I don't like this. Both are necessary.  The CPAP for my health and my laptop for blogging, emailing, editing photos and video and so on. One way I have found to lighten the load is to leave my Macbook at home.  I've found that my cell phone, a Samsung Galaxy SIII, with the proper apps can perform all the functions I use my laptop for while traveling.   Wifi is not always available so it's necessary to store posts and other data occasionally. Since I am budget conscious, the hardware and software is the least expensive kind. Dare I call this additional hardware peripherals?


  • USB-on-the go  (4 ports to connect USB plugs to phone)
  • Roll-up keyboard
  • Micro-mouse
  • Memory card reader/writer ( I bought one that accepts 3 types of cards)
  • Flash drive
  • Memory cards
Software AKA Apps

  • file manager app

Wireless (Bluetooth) mice and keyboards are available. My archaic versions were about $10.
Since flashdrives and memory cards serve the same purpose you can use either.  I prefer to use my flash drive for such things as movies and the cards for storage.  Also a card reader allows you to down load images or video  from your camera if you don't used the camera in your phone.
The file managing app is a must.  You must have a method for moving files to your storage devices as well as having access to the information stored on cards or flash drives.

This set-up has reduced my carry-on weight considerably as well has presenting a more compact system.

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