Jul 27, 2010

Me and My Sis.

Some times there is a flashback among siblings. One such flashback occurred to me when my sister and I rode on her Gator to look at some farmland. It was like old times we were youngsters on the farm again. She was the one who got to be the Indian in the eternal struggle for the American west and she was the one that always got to follow. And she was always the one I took up for when others called her names. We had some rough times growing up on a red-clay farm but it all worked out alright. She's still one of the favorite women in my life!

Video captured with a Canon Power Shot SD960 IS DIGITAL ELPH

Editing program used was Windows Movie Maker)

Jul 26, 2010

Downer Day

Today is a downer day. My brother called and said that the HOSPICE folks said that our mom has only a few days to live. Although I was expecting the call, I wasn't ready. I spoke with her last on Saturday. She told me of her love for me and I reciprocated. I could not help but tear up a bit as the lump grew in my throat and I looked into those pale blue eyes while she apologized for any mistakes she had made in my upbringing. I assured her that there was no need to feel sorry for anything she had or had not done and that she had done a wonderful job in rearing her four children. She said she was ready to meet with the Lord and knew that my daddy would be waiting at that golden gate for her. Yes it's been a downer day.

Jul 20, 2010

The Warm Fuzzies

I got the warm fuzzies this past weekend. What are the warm fuzzies and how do you get them? Let me try to answer the question. I guess the best definition of a warm fuzzie is the feeling of satisfaction. But not like the satisfaction of accomplishing some kind of goal like being the first the first to bowl a perfect game blindfolded. But more like the warm fuzzie feeling you got when you helped the little old lady across the street when you were a Boy Scout. I think that a warm fuzzie can only be felt if another person is involved.

I got my warm fuzzies working on a Habitat for Humanity house. Habitat makes it possible for people who by conventional means may never be able to afford a home to obtain one. The way that this is accomplished is through the unselfish donations of materials and labor. I was part of the labor. Just think of it: I, and other volunteers helped a family to have their own home. Yeah, their own piece of the American dream! Oh yes , you can get the warm fuzzies from this kind of volunteerism.
In my own simple way, (I am handicapped by a college education)I believe you can only gain fulfilment as a human being by being other-oriented. And the warm fuzzies will just keep on coming!

Jul 17, 2010


I don't know what is is about cats. Why do we like them? Is it because they never seem to be completely tame? They always seem to do what they want to do. I think all cats have the female gene--you can pet them, lavish all kinds of gifts on them, do all sorts of things for them and they still do what they darn well please! Or maybe it's like the Revernd Chuck says, "God made house cats so man could know what it would feels like to pet a tiger!"

I just don't know what it is about cats!

Jul 13, 2010


This Saturday past I went kayaking on the Edistoe

River with a group of men from our church. I am not a paddler. I'm not even a swimmer. But, I guess the yearn for adventure does not subside as one ages. But the ability sure does. I have only been in one of these small plastic boats twice before. Once on the Delaware and once on another river. The outfitter had all the boats at the water's edge when we arrived. He gave a little instruction of do's and don't's and paddling instruction.
"Don't get close to the overhanging trees!", he said.

Once in the water that was the first thing I did--got hung up in a tree!

The instructor pulled me out and I avoided trees for another few miles. The current was rather swift by flat-water standards where we put the boats in but subsided as we drifted downstream.

We stopped for lunch at a sandbar. Ham and cheese sure was good. Later the guide sliced a watermelon in his kayak and paddled along side to give each of us a slice.
Harry and I paddled along slowly while some of the others moved a a faster pace. When we rounded a bend and saw a blond girl in a red bikini we decided that this must be Givhans Ferry State Park where we were to take our boats out. We saw the other boats on the river bank and knew the trip was over.
I enjoyed the trip. But is was a very hot day (96 degrees plus) and I could never get the seat in my boat adjusted properly. However, was great fun with a great bunch of guys. A kayaker I am not! I must mark this off my list of life's aspirations...

Jul 12, 2010

USA vs. AZ

USA vs AZ. It's not just about immigration. The Federal government sued the state of Arizona charging that the AZ law was unlawful because it usurped the Federal law. This is true. However, AZ inacted the law only because the Federal government would not enforce the Federal immigration laws already on the books. The government's reason for non-enforcement is that it doesn't have the resources for adequate enforcement. Does it make you feel safe knowing that the most powerful nation in the world cannot secure it's borders? I think not. Not only can Hispanics cross those borders, but others as well. Remember 9/11? The next group of terrorists could be crossing the border somewhere southwest of Los Cruses. Think about it, and call your representative today.