Apr 22, 2010

Why Cows?

Why Cows? For some reason every time we have taken to the road in Utah we meet a herd of cows. The most recent was in 2007 during vacation. Here we are rounding a bend in the road when we meet a herd of cattle being driven by a cowboy. Is this the west or what? But there are cars interspersed with the bovines. The horseman yells to the lady in a car, not a Mustang, "Just keep moving, lady, they'll get out of the way!" He had a gravely voice, entirely unlike the voice of the young woman we had seen herding cattle on our previous trip across Utah. Interestingly enough this was not "free-range country. There were fences along the road. We saw a lot of this on Navajo land in New Mexico. So, let me warn you. When driving in Utah be aware of cowboys and cattle drives.

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