Aug 15, 2009

Just a blog

Today was one of those days that was good although nothing exciting happened. But what is exciting anyway? Nothing of creatively happened although I did watch a Disney/Pixar film on TV. There was a very good show on this a.m., The Rise of the Video Game. It traced the games from their humble beginnings of games such as "Pong", to the multi player games of today. Not only the graphics and technology but how the games reflect our society. Role playing with avatars in virtual reality environments are almost spooky. It is easy to see how a person could get the two confused. What is real and what is not. It begs to answer Plato's question about the shadow of the lion on the cave wall.

Which was real?

Enough of this heavy stuff! We spent most of the day at the lake with church friends. We had fun and overate of the hamburgers, hot dogs, and chicken sandwiches. After returning home I tried my hand at veggie burgers. A combination of chick peas, potatoes, breadcrumbs and various made a presentable pattie. I browned 'em up in a skillet before serving 'em up on a bun. They were surprisingly good. I was testing the recipe for a camping menu.

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