Jun 6, 2009

Sometime good things happen.

I have carried and used a sketchbook for many years and our trip to the British Isles was no different. I have never, NEVER, in over forty years of carrying a sketchbook lost one. But ,alas, with the advancing of age things happen. While visiting the Ironbridge in England I lost, a.k.a. misplaced, my sketchbook. It was not a new book bought for the trip but a book with drawings and notes from trips to Alaska and the Dominican Republic and other assorted and sundry drawings. I first noticed the 6 x 9 inch spiral bound book missing about half-way across the Irish Sea. I needed entertainment and did not like the movie on the ferry. Sketchbooks are more than just a place for drawings. they are repositories of visual data and words of thoughts. Indeed a visual record of my life. Needless to say that the search for a new book was of top priority upon docking in Dublin. We enjoyed watching the street musicians and found a local ATM for we needed Euros. And then a pub for some food before shopping for a new sketchbook. I bought a Moleskine book, my first, but it's more for drawing and writing the painting, I think.

Lest I forget, an unknown friend found my book and mailed it home to me!

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