Feb 4, 2009

Where's the Field and Stream?

Why are there always chic magazines at the doctor's office? Where are the Car and Driver, Field and Stream or Maxim magazines. And if you do find one it is dog-eared and missing the cover. Baby drool is often found on them too. It's not enough for there to be almost all chic mags, the few guy mags are abused too. How many times have you wanted to find the shooting specs on the new new Sig Saur 45 caliber handgun only to find out that some rug rat had torn that page of Guns & Ammo to shreds. This isn't the only instance of what subversive male bashing. There are others, like on television. When was the last time that you saw a woman made fun of in a commercial? Maybe 1934? A perfect example of a television ad: We see this chic talking on the phone (subject for another rant) telling her chick bud about how she has been eating apple pie and all sort of good things while the man in the background are looking for these things is the fridge. She's talking about yogurt but of course the guy doesn't know about this. So we are supposed to laugh at his apparent stupidity. Even in that pseudo-entertainment of the situation comedy, the male is always the butt of the jokes. I mean, that this goes back a long way in history. Cleopatra made fun of Mark Antony. We men just need a little respect...and more magazines.

After all, we can write our names in the snow!

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