Feb 28, 2009

A Terrorist's Terror

This is my latest video. I am a big supporter of our troops in the Middle East. This video shows a weapon that could even the odds against the terrorists. It began with a couple of still pictures from a friend. I was impressed and did further research. I found a video about the Barrett 50 Cal. sniper rifle and added the heavily edited video to my clip. I wanted to use a magazine page format. I initially considered showing my hand drawing the spaces for the photos to be inserted.

Feb 25, 2009


Billy Bobs in Fort Worth, Texas is the biggest honky-tonk in the world. Situated in the old part of this modern Texas city, it attracts visitors from around the world. If I remember correctly and I'm remembering through a haze of Lone Stars the place is about 10 acres under one roof. It is a part of the stockyards which were once an integral part of the city's past. Cattle from this part of the state would be gathered here and shipped north via railroad to the slaughter houses in Kansas City and points north. Billy Bobs has numerous bars serving thousands of beers per night, eateries, dance floors and even it's own rodeo. Many famous country music entertainers have performed there including Willie Nelson and George Strait. So, if your ever in Ft. Worth drop into Billy Bobs. You'll be glad you did! And get you some souvenir shooter glasses!

Feb 22, 2009

What a Day Was Yesterday

Whataday today was! I started at the flea market where an Hispanic guy told me how to repair my airbrush in broken English and I bought some roasted peanuts. Lunch was great with a Hebrew national hotdog. (Even we Gentiles like 'em!) And then it being Saturday and all there was a chore with my main squeeze.You see Miss South Carolina was collecting dresses for charity. North Charleston Dream Center's Cinderilla Day is a project thet accepts donated dresses for girls who may not be able to afford their own prom dress.

So we went right down to make the delivery. I stepped out of the elevator into the midst of group of (i) chicas caliente(/i)!) "I'm in the rwrong place!", I say. But I was invited in. It was fun to see all the pretty girls and Miss SC, Stephanie Smith. is a very charming young lady and extremely easy on the eyes. I got my autographed photo and was gone after being verbally reprimanded by my main squeeze that I could not carry any of the girls home with me. (She does this all the time.)

Crossing the street on the way to the coffee shop I saw a Lamborghini. For the second time and as many hours my heart skipped a beat. That twelve cylinder engine sounded like a choir of angels. At the coffee shop I had a nice African coffee and met an English bulldog named Lucy. Later we had barbeque at the church with friends.

On the way home a friend called me from a local gallery and told me I had wone three ribbons in a local art contest. I had only entered four paintings. My First Place Winner in the watercolor catagory is seen below.

It just doesn't get much better than this. But maybe if I coulder?
No-o-o, my main squeese would never have let me get away with that...

Feb 9, 2009

My Favorite Drawing Tool

I use a ballpoint pen for sketching in my sketch books. I thought that artists used charcoal or pencil. And I tried each of them. The charcoal was too messy but makes great drawings. I like to use it occasionally for studio work. Pencil is probably my favorite. I grew up with a stubby pencil in my hand. A pencil can create an infinite range of values and textural effects. But pencil like charcoal smudges. Smudging is a great way to create soft lines and soft textures. However, pencil drawings all get smudged by the rubbing of the pages together as you carry your sketchbook around. You can use a fixative, of course, but that adds one more item to you drawing kit. I like to keep things as simple as possible. I carry a sketch book and a black ballpoint pen. It's easy to use and doesn't smudge. The ink is waterproof so I can add a color wash without bleeding. By crosshatching and stippling many effects can be produced including a full value scale can be produced. I've been using a ballpoint pen successfully in my sketchbooks for many years now. (the casino drawing is on 1/2 page of a 5.5 x 8.5 sketchbook)

Feb 5, 2009

TESTING 1...2...3...



Feb 4, 2009

Where's the Field and Stream?

Why are there always chic magazines at the doctor's office? Where are the Car and Driver, Field and Stream or Maxim magazines. And if you do find one it is dog-eared and missing the cover. Baby drool is often found on them too. It's not enough for there to be almost all chic mags, the few guy mags are abused too. How many times have you wanted to find the shooting specs on the new new Sig Saur 45 caliber handgun only to find out that some rug rat had torn that page of Guns & Ammo to shreds. This isn't the only instance of what subversive male bashing. There are others, like on television. When was the last time that you saw a woman made fun of in a commercial? Maybe 1934? A perfect example of a television ad: We see this chic talking on the phone (subject for another rant) telling her chick bud about how she has been eating apple pie and all sort of good things while the man in the background are looking for these things is the fridge. She's talking about yogurt but of course the guy doesn't know about this. So we are supposed to laugh at his apparent stupidity. Even in that pseudo-entertainment of the situation comedy, the male is always the butt of the jokes. I mean, that this goes back a long way in history. Cleopatra made fun of Mark Antony. We men just need a little respect...and more magazines.

After all, we can write our names in the snow!

New Product

Needless to say, I promote the Snowshark Preservation Society. The addition of this product will allow you to increase the probability dramatically for viewing this incredible cryptozoological creature. Your information is greatly need in our ongoing research. Other new projects include tracking the sightings via Google Earth.Visit the Snowshark Preservation Society today by clicking the link at the right.