Jan 30, 2009

It's B-a-c-k-

It's back. After quite a few years of being is disrepair the Snowshark Preservation Society is back online. I had to do some revamping but all the old but necessary information is there. As some of you know the Society exists for the preservation of the crytozoological creatures. While many of know about the SPS and it's goals, you may not know how it began. here is that story.
I had taken a job in the northeast, upstate New York to be exact, and as a southerner was enduring my first winter there. I had never seen so much snow. one day I said to one of my co-workers, "Man, in all this snow you better be on the look-out for snowsharks!" He, of course, didn't know what they were. i had heard of them back in the days of my youth from a rock-n-roll deejay. I did embellish the snowshark story a bit on how they would literally consume anything in their path. A few days later he said that his grandmother thought she had seen and was sure that it had eaten her tomcat. I began to get reports of sightings from others. After work one day while having a few Gennies with my buds the Snowshark Preservation Society was birthed. We talked of organizational structure and publicity and marketing and all those business things. Of course we had to have a logo. And, yes, the logo was designed on a napkin. That is how the SPS began.

See the Snowshark Preservation Society at http://geocities.com/jack_young_us/

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