Nov 11, 2008

Veterans Day

There was the thunder of drums as the color guard moved
forward. We were at the Lightsey Chapel at Charleston Southern University. It
was a Veterans Day musical celebration. Images of that symbol of America, the
eagle, were flashed on the overhead as the band played The Star Spangled
Banner. It brought a tear to the eye of true Americans. Throughout the
performances of patriotic music I thought of those men honored on this day. Oh,
sure, there were the generals and admirals honored for great accomplishments,
but what about the rest of us? Not career soldiers but regular guys who heard
the call to go to the aid of their country? Men that were mechanics,
carpenters, farmers, and laborers. The measure of the true backbone of our
defenses, indeed the measure of American manhood. And some, some would make the
supreme sacrifice. I have always been proud of my own military heritage. My
ancestors have never been admirals or generals, but soldiers and sailors. They served during the American
Revolution, Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korean War and Viet Nam. I have a son who
continues to serve in the US Navy. All returned but one. The video is homage to
Uncle John.

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