Nov 20, 2008


Perhaps the copy has nothing to do with the video, but then maybe it does. Since I found out that my oldest son is destined for Iraq, I've been giving a little thought about what it means to be an American. Well, regardless, it's still the greatest country on earth. But, you know, sometimes I think that he folks in and around the wedding cake building have lost touch with reality. Look at some of the current goings on. Businesses are now being rewarded for being bad businesses. Billions of dollars are earmarked for failing banking institutions and those banks use the money to buy more banks. Let's not forget the infamous junkets of the top executives. I'm amazed at the lengths people will go to achieve sub-human status. And auto execs flying to Washington for a hand-out in their multi-million-dollar executive jets. I tell you, the folks working at McDonald's and Joe's Tire Shop are getting ticked off about this. This country was built by men with dirt under their fingernails and women that sweat. The average wage-earner is being crapped on by the government. How about those auto workers making $73 per hour. Now Detroit is trying to hide behind the fact that federal regulation is causing them to be less profitable. Not so! They pay their help too much. For those of you that remember, the auto industry used to say that cheap labor from overseas made the Japanese cars more popular. That was partly true, BUT the big reason was that the imports were better made. Better quality. The American auto business would never have lost their competitive edge if they had offered the buying public less expensive quality product. I don't think that the American auto industry is dead. It's probably not that easy to fix, but if they cut out half the management and cut wages by 50%, that would be a start to a recovery. Let bad businesses fail!. If people buy something they can't afford to pay for, let them lose it. The economy can fix it's self. The government is not the organization to repair business. It's still the greatest place in the world to live.

Sometimes you gotta rant!

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