Nov 25, 2008

From Your Book to Your Back

Once, when I was in the management game long, long ago i was reading about the poor state of quality in American products. One of those mentioned was Harley Davidson Motorcycles. The quality of Harleys have improved since the days when new models would drip on the dealer showroom floor. Upon reading this I began to realize an image in my mind. But what if the fluid leaking from the motor was blood instead of oil.

How could this be? If the engine was biological then a puddle of blood under the crankcase would not be unrealistic. What organ to better represent something living that the heart. It would also represent the very soul of the machine. With a few colored pencils I made a quick sketch. Many years later when I was introduced to image editing computer programs I created the same effect by photo editing. I felt that the term "Thumper" properly identified the motorcycle. Why not use it as and advertisement for a particular motorcycle brand. Hence, Thumper Motorcycles were born. What better method to advertise such machines than with tee shirt.

The tee shirt is available for sale at this link Remember: "Thumper Motorcycles Have Heart"

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