Feb 26, 2008

and so on...

I have been reading and other stuff. Also undergoing several days of frustration. I have received an old laptop as a gift. and it was my intent to use it in the creation of inkjet monoprints. But it is bound by some sort of security package that won't allow me to load on new programs to make the monoprints. I'm at the end of my rope. I am contacting some computer gurus for help and I know that Google is my friend. So I've taken a breather from the computer.

I've been reading a new issue of Wired and watching the TED lectures. The combination of the two have induced thought. Much thought. I find the thought processes of creativity most interesting. It is very interesting to hear creators explain how the germ of an idea grows into fruition. There was also some interesting stuff on creativity in Robert Genn's biweekly newsletter. The parallels between creative endeavors whether painting or architecture or film or cooking are very interesting.

So... in the vernacular of the common fold: "Ain't that sumpin else!"

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