Oct 31, 2007


2day was a good day. I was unable to paint only a few absent-minded drawings. Most of my day was spent working on transferring old VHS tapes to MPEG in route to DVD. Once upon a time I shot a lot of tape of kids and family and things. After going to the Dr. for annual pulmonary check-up we visited the Halsey gallery at the College of Charleston. There was a showing of John Hull, a CofC faculty members work. To the right is representative of that show: Moonlight 03

Hull is quite a storyteller in paint. This particular show had as it's subject junkyards. Discarded cars and machinery provides a backdrop for the figures which tell the story. The artist invites the viewer to speculate on what is going on in the piece. Although Hull's work is very painterly the figures tell the story in gesture and placement. You ask yourself the questions. Why is the man carrying the gun? Who is the corpse? What is happening after dark illuminated by flashlight? Hull also included working drawings of works in progress the small studies of circus life were loosely rendered but exciting to view. It was a good show. Google the artist for more info.
Later we saw the new George Clooney movie:"Michael Claayton". it was a good movie. I'm no Clooney fan but this film showed traces of acting ability. One can only wonder what Russell Crowe would have done with the title role.

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