Feb 28, 2007


My virtual gallery I need to fill up! I haven't gotten this to work on my website yet or do I know how well it emails. also, I must find a way to add muxic and commentary. But today i nead to create some paintings. tempus fugit!

Feb 27, 2007

after coffee

Well after another cup of coffee I found an old 5 x 7 canvas that had been painted with acrylic. I thought I would try oil pastels over and began a pirates face. I blended the pastel with my finger. A fingernail was a good tool to remove color. I used turps or rather non-turp to blend some. The texture shown through. The face was a little effeminate for a pirate so...

A fun painting that took only about 15 minutes.


Bummer day... printers out of ink lost some video..can't find my acrylic paste...

Feb 21, 2007

Web pages...

I have been wanting to create an archive of my favorite stuff created over the last years. some in the sixties and some last week. Needless to say, this will take some editing. I have such a ton of stuff. It was my intent to put it on a web page for all to enjoy. But, how to make it interesting was the problem. The above is my first attempt. When an image on the right is clicked that "talking head" will appear on the left and tell about the image clicked. To do this I must shoot a short video for each image. Therefore I have decided that I will edit my collection of images even more! Because my collection of creative endeavors is so great. It runs the gamut from video to paintings to wooden signs and vehicle graphics to writings and photography and printing. Did I mention over forty years of sketchbooks?

Feb 15, 2007

Studio tinkering

Lately I have been working more with video and static images. I suppose what I am doing is creating mashups. Some of the video clips are sent to me by friends. I edit them and strip off the sound, then I add my own titles (fictictous film companies. etc.), soudtrack with dialogue and music to create sort of a mini-movie. I've been using cheap tools that do the job. The image editing software is used to make the titles and edit the still images.and the sound editing software is used the record sound and rip it it from compact disk and, of course, edit the sound. The movie making tool came with the computer while the others were either free or almost. These tools don't allow you to make Oscar winners, but they do allow you to exercise your movie making skills.

  • Windows Movie Maker
  • Audacity
  • Photo Deluxe
  • Replay Converter

Feb 12, 2007

mind babbling

I've been working on some Photoshop projects. Primarily learning how to use the software. I've used Photo Deluxe for a few years and finally starting to use Photoshop. It's some kind of powerful software.

The project at the left has been on my mind for quite awhile. It is especially for me because I have no musical talent at all. I can only play the radio AND air guitar. So-o-o I thought there may be some others that could benefit from my experiences. Hence, the CD. It has all you need...even a pick is included.

Also, I have been working more with audio. I have downloaded Audacity which came with no instructions. Should not have been a problem since I'm a guy that only reads instructions of last resort. I was able to find some tutorials on the web. I'm thinking about doing an old radio show like from my childhood. But don't know when. I hope I have better luck that resurrecting a tape recorded interview with my late father. I'm still working on getting rid of the noise.

I am considering putting up a video on YouTube so I can embed a player on the family website. I have some video of David that might look good here.

Gotta get some paintings read for the annual GCAG Show.

Been listening to WNCW radio online for studio music.