Aug 24, 2006

Back from awhile ago...

It has been quite some time since my lst entry. We have been quite busy. We drove across country, from Goose Creek,SC to San Diego, CA. We visited friends and relatives in AL,TX,AZ and CA. And we camped out about ten times or so. We had never camped out together before and determined that when we returned we would either be happily married or ready for a divorce. Thankfully the resultant was the former.
There were many painting ops but very little time. i did take over 400 pics, many for reference purposes. A full jounal of this trip written by Claudette and illustrated with my photos is available at The above is from our journey. We camped one night in Palo Duro Canyon in north Texas. In the painting I replaced the motor homes with teepees. Currently I'm updating web sites and creating slideshows as well as videos while getting some paintings ready for some of the fall shows.

Studio Music
  • Frank Sinatra
  • Ella Fitzgerald
  • Tony Bennet
  • Billie Holliday

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