Sep 8, 2010

For inspiration

Occasionally, I have too watch this.   When a word of encouragement is needed or a little pep talk these words of Shakespeare do the job.  In this production of William Shakespeare's Henry V, Kenneth Branaugh is in the title role. Henry's famous speech is given on the eve of the famous St. Crispin's Day battle which signalled the end of the Hundred Years War between England and France.  When you enjoy this work as a film or as a play it is also good to read  Agincourt by Bernard  Cornwell.  Cornwell historical novel about events leading up to this battle are a treasure of historical military information.   The English won the battle with the French while out-numbered three to one. Some historians would disagree with this statistic, but the fact remains that the French had more soldiers that the English. Although the St. Crispin's day speech is purely fiction, one could speculate that there were some motivational speeches given prior to this battle.