Aug 8, 2010

In passing...

My mother, Helen Young, passed away Sunday morning, August 8. Her children were at her bedside. A day or two before she had hugged each of them and told them good-bye. Below are some of the comments that I, her oldest son, made at her memorial service.

I loved my Mama. When I think of all the ways my Mama touched me and others a few things come to mind.First, she was a prolific note writer. If I asked right now how many of you have received a note from my mama many hands would go up. If you visited her or gave her a gift or maybe she just hadn't seen you in a while, you'd get a note from her. And not just an ordinary note either--one that would have a funny phrase and "ha-ha" some where in it. And by the way there would probably be a little stick figure by the signature too.Secondly, she believed in baking cakes for people too. When member of the community who lived alone was having a birthday, Mama decided he needed a cake and baked him one. That's just the kind of lady she was.
Thirdly, she loved unconditionally. When her oldest son experienced an unsuccesful marriage she continued to love the ex-wife while embracing the new wife. Or when a family member adopted a lifestyle she did not approve of she admonished them but kept on loving them.
You see Mama had:
  • A sincere interest on others
  • A giving nature
  • Unconditional love

One final note: We were once driving Mama and her sister to a funeral of a relative, all is quiet as we drive along, suddenly Mama says,"You just can't believe anything you read in the newspaper anymore.". We drive along in silence for a few miles and then I heard her say,"But I believe Blondie!"

I loved my Mama. And I know you did too.