Mar 23, 2006

With my thoughts wrapped around Juanita I am aware of nothing...

I am still working with "drip images". The inspiration for the above was the stark nakedness of the dead trees in the marshes of the Carolina low county. The zap of color is mine. Sometimes if you load the images in the ccomputer and play with the color saturation you can get some interesting FX.

Yesterday was good. Very creative in the AM, two paintings completed. After my workout and lunch with a glass of red (got a mini-buzz) it was back to work to work on my lesson plan for tonight's lesson in beginning water color. I am continuing to work with heat transfers as a picture making method. Creating pictures by alternate methods is fun.

Studio listening matter:

  • Marsha Ball
  • The Blind Boys of AL
  • Shrimp City Slim
  • Rod Stewart

Mar 19, 2006

I must think of Jaunita rather than my fate.

Sometime you have to stretch your brain a little. I'm moving into some abstract work. This acrylic on paper began with the idea of a cruciform. From there the accumilation of textures manefested themselves as some of the images of the great northwest. I have always been a fan of totem poles. The iconic imagery is so strong and imaginative. My totem just evolved and unlike the ones of the past it is not symetrical. The "wing" appendages are not the same and the great blue eye at the top sees all. You will note that the base is shrouded in clouds. The moon seemed to be what was needed to complete the composition not only as a graphic element but to add a bit of mystery as well.

Studio listening matter:
  • Bograts
  • Jennifer Lecko
  • James Galway
  • Seven Nations

Mar 15, 2006

And then there was that time in Las Vegas...

Magic sometimes happens. I am continuing to stretch the possibilities of the two deminsional form of visual expression. Am I there yet? I don't think so. The last few days have been busy. Out of town guests and other things have kept me from my art. There are paintings to ship and other art related chores. That is non-painting chores. In the piece that is shown, I like to place the know with the unknown. That which is clearly defined with undefined or blurry. The conflict exists. But out of chaos comes...

Studio Listening Matter

  • Hank Williams
  • The Ink Spots
  • Billie Holliday
  • Frank Sinatra
  • Northern Exposure Music

Mar 9, 2006

What difference would the song make? I am in peril!

I continue to stretch my brain artistically. There are probably no new ideas. But how would we know. Is there some GREAT COSMIC LIST OF IDEAS somewhere? My thoughts are original to me and that's all that matters. At any rate I have been thinking about the creation of images via the computer. Let the "electronic brain " do the heavy work. By using randomly generated numbers fed into a image program this should be possible. My newest technique is acrylic on paper with heat transfer images as seen in this posts entry titled Farm Girls.
Studio Listening Matter
  • Bach
  • John Coltrane
  • Dr. John
  • Latin Groove