Jun 10, 2013

Body Slammed

Dear Tony,
You ain't gonna believe what I seen the other day! I was walkin' out the door and on my way across the front porch for another day at the shop. It was a purty sprang day and the dew was still on the first flowers.  But I was kinda draggin' a bit 'cause I'd stayed up late watching WWF wrestlin'.  I mean, those pro wrestling dudes are really bad.  I love that stuff! Had to fix my own breakfast though.  Darlene was kinda ticked off at me 'cause I stayed up late rather than goin' to bed when she did. You know how women are 'bout stuff like that. I don mind eatin' my own cookin' every now and agin.  I was almost to the end of the porch when I seen this ole bluejay leisurely
Wikipedia Photo
flying 'cross the driveway maybe ten feet off the ground.  Prob'bly lookin' for breakfast.  All of a sudden POW! He was hit in mid-air.  Body slammed to the ground.  Just like ole Nature Boy woulda done it in the ring back in the old days. He didn't know what hit him. It happened so fast. That jaybird landed on his side. I could see that big black "V" on his chest. That "V" didn't stand for victory that day. He looks up over his shoulder at the sparrow hawk that had him pinned down. That  little bitty hawk wasn't even as big as that jaybird.  But he had 'im down allright! I guess America's littlest hawk hadn't read that he was only 'sposed to eat bugs and such. Now he couldn't dive at 150 mph like his cousins the peregrine falcons but he had the same moves. He dived right down outa the sky and nailed that ole bluejay.
And you know what he did then?
He just sat on that old jaybird like he was sho nuff somebody. I believe he leaned back a stuck his chest out. Then he just flew away. Mr. Bluejay righted himself, shook hisself off and casually flew away to, but in a different direction.

I think there is a moral in this story but I'm not sure what.  Maybe, it means don't bite off more than you can chew.  But if you do just stick you chest out and look around at everybody just like you meant to do it!

See Ya'll Later,

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